The Manalapan Soccer Club (MSC) is a 100% volunteer organization and relies heavily on parent volunteers to assist in the management of the Recreation and Travel teams. Parent volunteers are required to complete the following steps, as laid out below, to be eligible to volunteer. These steps are required to ensure that all volunteers are properly educated on the importance of dealing with our young athletes.
The requirements are split into two categories. The categories are Manalapan Township Requirements and New Jersey Youth Soccer (NJYS) Requirement. Parent Volunteers (Recreation Coaches and Travel Parent Managers) must complete the requirements as outlined below.
A. Rutgers Youth Sports Safety Clinic --
This safety clinic is generally offered as an onsite class but may be offered as an online class. When offered as an onsite class, there are various classes offered throughout the year at various locations around the state. Manalapan Township generally offers at least one class per year in Manalapan. This is a one-time requirements. Be sure to save your card once the class is completed.
Be sure to follow the directions on the Township website ( These directions include the codes that must be used to ensure the results are sent to the Township office. Volunteers must schedule an appointment at an IdentoGo office to have their finger prints scanned. This step must be completed every 4-years.
C. Manalapan Township ID Card
Once A and B are completed, volunteers must schedule to have a photo taken by Township personnel for their Identification Card. The card will be issued to all parent volunteers.
II. New Jersey Youth Soccer Requirements
The below steps are required for all travel parent manager volunteers (to include assistant parent managers). Volunteers will NOT be able to serve as a parent manager until all of the following are completed. All of these steps are required to receive your coach’s ID card. The coach’s card is required to be on the sideline during games.
This course is the minimum requirement to be involved with travel soccer as a coach/parent manager. It is a one-time requirement. It usually involves a classroom portion and a field training portion.
Both of these options are online training courses. Both are accepted by NJYS and both are one-time requirements
C. Safesport Training
Includes Abuse Prevention Awareness & Mandatory Reporting Education – This requires annual refresher training
First-Time Registration
Please use the following instructions to create aSafeSport Trained account and access the core training.
- Use this link:
- Complete information on “Sign Up” page.
- If prompted, log in to the new account you just created.
- Click on “Menu” and select “Catalog.”
- Click the Start button for “SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation” to complete the course.
- Upload your certificate of completion to the NJYS Registration Platform.
Accessing the training through the link above will automatically enroll the user in US Soccer Federation’s SafeSport course offerings upon completion of the sign-up process. An “Enrollment Key” is not needed, nor provided for training access. Note: The US Center for SafeSport prohibits this access link from being posted publicly on any website or social media page.
Annual Refresher Course
Due to the Center for SafeSport’s transition to a new training platform called Absorb in December of 2021, a new password is required. Please follow the below instructions to gain access to your SafeSport refresher trainings and course history.
- Initiate the “Forgot Password” Process on the new SafeSport Platform:
- Check your email to access the unique password reset link.
- Create a new password for your SafeSport account.
- Review and accept the on-screen Terms & Conditions for the software.
- Click on “Menu” and select “Catalog.”
- Click the Start button for the next available “SafeSport Refresher – U.S. Soccer Federation” course.
- Upload your certificate of completion to the NJYS Registration Platform.
· Upon completion, print out your certificate and keep on file.
D. NJ Youth Soccer Background Check --
For the NJ Youth Soccer Background Check. Not to be confused with the Manalapan Township Background Check, the NJYS Background Check is done electronically and will only take about 5 minutes for you to complete.
Method #1
1. Log in to your account on the Club’s website (
2. Go to the volunteer tab on the left side of the screen
3. Select the check box next to “Risk Status”
4. Click on “Renew & Update”

Method #2
Watch this YouTube video for directions on how to complete the NJYS Background Check .
There is NO FEE to the coach for this background check.